Re: Security Info (root broken)

pluvius (
Thu, 29 Sep 94 17:37 EDT

Ok, i was flooded with requests for this, so i figured i'd just port it to 
the mailing list. this copy i pulled down in the middle of the discussion 
on about 4 months ago or so. I would like to see it 
maintained, as i have found it very usefull... - -
Summary: How to improve security on a newly installed SunOS 4.1.3 system.

My appologies for taking so long with this it became much larger than
I'd though it would.   
Please Note:
   1) My intent in this was to limit my audience enough so that 
      this document would not become too large and cumbersome.  
      Please note the intended audience.   
   2) This document is sure to undergo revision, and I hesitate to 
      ever call any revision a final draft.
   3) Please forgive any typo's and gramatical errors.  It's late 
      and I wanted to get this out on a day other than Friday.  
      Send me notes of typos and spelling directly don't bother
      the rest of the net with such.
   4) I'll try to post when I'm able to put this list up on our 
      ftp server ftp.Hawaii.Edu:/pub/security.
Again many thanks to all those who provided feedback.

I'm not sure where the other lists are but here's what I've got,
please let me know if it's of help:


How to improve security on a newly installed SunOS 4.1.3 system. 

       Version 1.0		Thomas M. Kroeger   - July 94

Copyright -- Thomas M. Kroeger   - July 94
   Please feel free to redistribute or include this list or parts of it
wherever you desire, but, please include appropriate citation.

Goal -   
   Attempt to provide a list of some of the more basic steps that 
can be done to improve security on a newly installed SunOS 4.1.3 system.
This is by no means an all inclusive list of actions, just a list of 
some simple and more common measures.  

Intended Audience -
   Anyone responsible for the system administration duties of a machine
running SunOS 4.1.3.  These recommendations applicable to a stand-alone  *
workstation. It is assumed that the reader has some familiarity with basic 
system administration (you should be able to do a basic system installation 
by yourself, install patches, and use an editor).
[* which may be connected to a larger network?]

  NOTE: This list limits it's coverage to measures that can
be done for a stand-alone workstation addition to the steps listed here 
there are many measures that can be taken to improve the security of 
an enviornment, measures such as; filtering traffic to  port 2049/udp 
at the routers will prevent NFS calls from outside your domain.

Disclaimer ---
These recommendations come with no guarantees of anything!  Support is only
offered within the University of Hawai'i community.

The truly paranoid may wish to these implement these recommendations while in 
single user mode as an extra measure of security to avoid possible subversive
shenannigans by a wily cracker.

To Do on a system Just installed

Patches --
+ install the following patches

4.1.3 Security listing
   100103    SunOS 4.1;4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: script to change file permissions
   100173    SunOS 4.1.1/4.1.2/4.1.3 : NFS Jumbo Patch
*  100224    SunOS 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3: /bin/mail jumbo patch
   100257    SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: jumbo patch for, ldd, and ldconf
   100272    SunOS 4.1.3: Security update for in.comsat.
   100296    SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: netgroup exports to world
   100305    SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: lpr Jumbo Patch
   100372    SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: tfs and c2 do not work together
*  100377    SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: sendmail jumbo patch
*  100383    SunOS 4.0.3;4.1;4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: rdist security and hard link
   100448    OpenWindows 3.0: loadmodule is a security hole.
   100452    OpenWindows 3.0: XView 3.0 Jumbo Patch
   100478    OpenWindows 3.0: xlock crashes leaving system open
*  100482    SunOS 4.1;4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: ypserv and ypxfrd fix, plus DNS fi
   100507    SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: tmpfs jumbo patch
   100513    SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Jumbo tty patch
   100564    SunOS 4.1.2, 4.1.3: C2 Jumbo patch
*  100593    SunOS 4.1.3: Security update for dump.
   100623    SunOS 4.1.2;4.1.3: UFS jumbo patch
   100630    SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: SECURITY: methods to exploit login/su
   100631    SunOS  4.1.x: env variables can be used to exploit login(US only)
*  100632    SunSHIELD 1.0: ARM jumbo patch release
   100890    SunOS 4.1.3: domestic libc jumbo patch
   100891    SunOS 4.1.3: international libc jumbo patch
   100909    SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Security update for syslogd.
   101072    SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Non-related data filled the last block
   101080    SunOS 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3: security problem with expreserve
   101200    SunOS 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3: Breach of security using modload
   101206    ODS 1.0; NFS/fsirand security fix.
*  101480    SunOS 4.1.1;4.1.2;4.1.3: Security update for in.talkd.
*  101482    SunOS 4.1.3, 4.1.2, 4.1.1: Security update for write.
   101640    SunOS 4.1.3: in.ftpd logs password info when -d option is used.
   101710    ONLINE DISKSUITE (ODS) 1.0: Security update for dump.

4.1.3 U1 security listing
   101434    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: lpr Jumbo Patch
*  101435    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: ypserv fix
*  101436    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: bin/mail jumbo patch
   101440    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: security problem: methods to exploit login/su
   101558    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: international libc jumbo patch
*  101579    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: Security problem with expreserve for Solaris 1.
   101587    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: security patch for mfree and icmp redirect
   101590    ONLINE DISKSUITE (ODS) 1.0, NFS/fsirand security fix
   101621    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: Jumbo tty patch
*  101665    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: sendmail jumbo patch
   101679    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: Breach of security using modload
   101759    SunOS 4.1.3_U1: domestic libc jumbo patch

   * - Note: some patches may not be required if you are disabling this
   feature.  If this is the case, ensure that all relevant files have had 
   their mode changed to remove the SUID bit  -- chmod u-s <file>.

   Note 2: Some patches may not necessarily apply based on packages 
   installed (US Encryption...) or your configuration.  Please carefully 
   check the README for each patch.
   Patches are available via anonymous ftp from 
Network level changes -------

+ Disable source routing
   Source routing enables the originating host to dictate the route the 
   packet will take.   This can be used to spoof a system into believing
   that the packets are coming from a trusted source.
   Install patch found in Ref. 19
  More info: Ref. 2 [Cheswick 94] Chap 2, Ref. 19

+ Comment out all unnecessary services in /etc/inetd.conf
   RPC services can be used to gain access as well as information about
   a system.  These are very site specific adjustments and will have to
   be tailored to your needs.  Additionally, TCP wrappers [Ref. 4] can be 
   used to improve loging, prevent IP spoofing (one host pretending to be 
   another to gain access) and limit access to a service as well as 
   totally removing it.
   Edit file /etc/inetd.conf and put a # in front of services that
   are not needed.

     Services possibly needed, but probably desired:
	ftp - possible needed for file transfer, however if all you 
	      want is outgoing ftp then this is can be commented out.
	telnet - obvious (recommend restricting with TCP wrappers Ref. 4)
	finger - Possibly but better to get a modified version that doesn't
		 give up that much information (To be honest I have no
                 experience with any of these I'd recommend checking into
                 some of the ones on
	talk - nice to have but how much will you miss it?

     Services which are probably unnecessary - see man pages for details
	name - for name services (man tnamed)
	comsat - for mail - not necessary.
	login - for rlogin - please see discussion under ruserok().
	uucp - if you aren't sure if your using this then you are not.
	exec - services for rexecd  - do without.

      Services recommended against - FIND A WAY TO LIVE WITHOUT.
	shell - for rsh -- major source for security problems
	tftp -  only needed for support of an X terminal or diskless
                clients, doubtfully needed on a desktop machine.
  More info: Ref. 4 [Venema 92]., Ref. 15

+ Enable NFS port monitoring (This is of value only if you are exporting 
    filesystems over NFS)
   Port monitoring ensures that calls to NFS to mount a file system come
   from a port < 1024  (in other words, a port that requires root 
   access to use).
   The default /etc/rc.local sets up port monitoring only if the file
   /etc/security/passwd.adjunct exists.  If you will be implementing 
   shadowing then you can skip over this step.  If you will not be
   implementing shadowing and you will be exporting files then you should 
   modify /etc/rc.local to do the following 2 lines: (regardless of 
   whether the passwd.adjunct file exists):
       echo "nfs_portmon/W1" | adb -w /vmunix /dev/kmem > /dev/null 2>&1

   Shadowing is covered under the section Changes to ID Management.

   Note: one possible side effect: non-sun nfs client might not 
          be able to mount exported files.
  More info: Ref. 3 [Stern 92] pg 177 & mountd(8C)

+ Ensure that ypbind is started with the -s option.
   Users could easily start thier own ypbind services and activate a 
   phony NIS database giving them access as any user.
   As with port monitoring the default /etc/rc.local sets up ypbind in the
   secure mode (-s option) only if the file /etc/security/passwd.adjunct 
   exists.  If you will be implementing shadowing then you can skip over
   this step, overwise you should modify /etc/rc.local to start ypbind 
   with the -s option regardless of whether the passwd.adjunct file exists.
  More info: ypbind(8)

+ Disable IP forwarding -  
   I'm not sure if this can be abused on a machine with only one interface
   but I'd rather err of the side of safety.  It could be used to spoof
   an IP address.
   Install the following line in the kernel configuration file:
       options "IPFORWARDING=-1"
   For info on how to custom configure a kernel, see the file

Kernel changes  -------

+ modify ruserok() in /usr/lib/ (9 on 4.1.3 U1) to disable:  
            -  root .rhosts authentication, wildcards in .rhosts, or
              .rhosts entirely depending on the level of security you want.
   ruserok() is a library routine that does the checking of both the 
   .rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv files for all the r commands. 
    a) ruserok() uses the source IP address in the rpc request for 
   authentication.  There are no guarantees that this address is correct.
   This address can easily be spoofed, yielding illegitimate access to 
   a system.  
    b) Crackers will often insert +'s into users' .rhosts file
   to allow them to gain access at a latter date.  Most users 
   don't look at their .rhosts file too often.
   Note: While using .rhosts prevents crackers from sniffing your users' 
   passwords, it also make them vulnerable to IP spoofing (claiming
   to be a host that you're not) it becomes a matter of preference
   what level of protection you'd choose here.  
   To modify the source code requires a source code license.
   At Univ of Hawaii,  modified version of should be 
   available though the systems group.

   For those who wish to create thier own modified version of ruserok()
   please see the section at the end that describes some of the details
   for creating a custom   

   Additionally the logdaemon package Ref. 15 has a modified version
   of that helps with this.  This site also has BSD sources
   for the ruserok() routine.

   Finally TCP wrappers can also be used to restrict access to each
   individual r command. Ref. 4

  More info: ruserok(3), hosts.equiv(5),
              source code file /lib/libc/net/rcmd.c, Ref. 4, Ref. 15

Filesystem change----------

+ create the file /etc/ftpusers 
   This file is a list of users that will not be allowed to access the
   system via ftp.  This prevents Joe Cracker from using ftp to
   modify a file (such as /etc/passwd) if he is able to determine your 
   root password.   
   create the file /etc/ftpuser with the following entries (one per line):
    root, nobody, daemon, sys, bin, uucp, news, ingres, AUpwdauthd,
    AUyppasswdd, sysdiag, sundiag, and any other ID's that exist that
    you don't want to allow ftp access.

  More info: man ftpusers(5)

+ Remove the + in /etc/hosts.equiv
   Well..... Everyone gains access with this. 
   Note: This file should not have any comment lines. 
  More info: hosts.equiv(5)

+ edit /etc/exports  remove all entries you don't want exported.
   - ensure whatever entries remain have restricted access
   NFS leaves the normal file system protection up to the client 
   instead of the server.  Acracker with root access on a client can 
   work around many of these protections. As a result filesystems 
   exported to the world are particularly vulnerable.
   Edit the file /etc/exports
   1) Only export what you need to export. If you aren't certain that 
      it needs to be exported, then it probably doesn't.
   2) Never export to the world.  Use a option.
   3) When ever possible export the file systems read-only. option ro
   You can use showmount -e to see what you currently have exported.

  More info: exports(5), exportfs(8), showmount(8) 

+ Install random number inode generator on filesystems fsirand
   Predicable root handles assists crackers in abusing NFS.  After 
   installing the patch for fsirand you'll need to run fsirand for
   all your filesystems.
   Ensure the filesystem is unmounted and run fsirand.     
  More info: fsirand(8), SunOS patch 100173 (NFS Jumbo)

+ nosuid in mounts
    Use the nosuid option when adding entries to /etc/fstab to mount a 
    filesystem exported by another host.  Anyone gaining access to the
    other host can create or modify an existing program which could 
    compromise your system.   Note: this doesn't work on tmpfs filesystems.
    Include the nosuid when you add an entry to /etc/fstab to import 
    a filesystem.
   More info: Ref. 3 [Stern 92] pg. 175 fstab(5)

+ Edit /etc/ttytab to remove the secure option from all entries.
   The secure entry in /etc/ttytab allows logins directly to root on that
   tty.   If you feel that your machine is not in a physically secure 
   location, you may choose to remove the secure option from the 
   console as well.
  More info: ttytab(5)

+ Set eeprom secure field to command or full -
   If you feel that your machine is not in a secure location, then 
   the eeprom field secure can be used to prevent unauthorized root 
   access by crashing your machine.   Note: with the full option the 
   system will not auto-reboot and will wait for the root password to 
   be entered.
  More info: eeprom(8)

+ chmod 600 /dev/eeprom -
   Prevents users from reading the eeprom passwd.
  More info: eeprom(8)

+ Remove openprom support if you do not intend to use the eeprom 
   secure field.
   A cracker who gains root access could install an eeprom password and
   make your life a bit harder.
   Remove the device driver from the kernel by commenting out
   the following:
   # The "open EEPROM" pseudo-device is required to support the
   # eeprom command.
   pseudo-device   openeepr        # onboard configuration NVRAM
  More info: eeprom(8)
+ Uncomment security options in frame buffer table file /etc/fbtab
   Without these entries ownership of console devices will not be properly
  More info: fbtab(5)

+ add umask 022 to /etc/rc & /.login
   Prevent key files created during startup and root operation from
   being created world writeable.  Note you may want to set umask in 
   /.login to 077 instead of 022
  More info: umask(1), rc(8)

+ chmod go-w /etc/* ; chmod g+w /etc/dumpdates
   None of these file in /etc should require write access 
   by world except for dumpdate, which requires group write access.
  More info: chmod(1), aliases(5), state(5), utmp(5V), remote(5), rmtab(5)

+ edit /etc/rc.local to comment change part that chmod's 666 motd
   /etc/motd is the normal system's message of the day; it won't
   allow people to gain root access, but it could be a nuisance if they
   can change this anonymously.  Additionally it is important to
   ensure that the line "rm -f /tmp/t1" is at the begining of this part.

+ Chmod u-s the following files unless you specifically use them:
   Changing the modes for those file which you will not be using 
   helps prevent would be crackers from exploiting unknown security 
   flaws in these files which could be used to compromise your system.

    /usr/bin/cu 	/usr/bin/tip 		/usr/bin/fusage 	
    /usr/bin/nsquery 	/usr/bin/uucp 		/usr/bin/uuname 
    /usr/bin/uustat 	/usr/bin/uux 		/usr/ucb/rcp 
    /usr/ucb/rdist 	/usr/ucb/rlogin 	/usr/lib/uucp/uusched
    /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt /usr/ucb/rsh		/usr/lib/uucp/uucico 
    /usr/games/hack     /usr/games/chesstool 	/usr/games/fortune 
    /usr/lib/exrecover  /usr/games/robots   	/usr/lib/uucp/remote.unknown
    /usr/games/hack 	/usr/games/snake	/usr/bin/sunview1/sv_release 
    /usr/bin/allocate - used with C2 security.
    /usr/ucb/quota - used with disk quotas
    /usr/lib/expreserve - used to recover edit session that died.

    Following may only be needed to be run by user root; as such, they would
    not need to be SUID root:
     /usr/etc/shutdown /usr/lib/acct/accton

   More info:  lots of man pages ;-)

+ chmod g-s the following file unless you specifically use them:
   Changing the modes for those file which you will not be using helps 
   prevent would be crackers from exploiting unknown security flaws 
   in these files which could be used to compromise your system.
    /usr/bin/wall 	/usr/etc/trpt		/usr/bin/sunview1/toolplaces 
    /usr/bin/iostat 	/usr/bin/ipcs 		/usr/ucb/vmstat 
    /usr/ucb/netstat 	/usr/etc/arp 		/usr/etc/dmesg 
    /usr/etc/dkinfo 	/usr/etc/chill 		/usr/etc/dumpfs 
    /usr/etc/devinfo 	/usr/etc/nfsstat 	/usr/old/perfmon 
    /openwin/bin/xload 	/usr/kvm/pstat 		/usr/kvm/crash 
    /usr/kvm/getcons 	/usr/etc/kgmon 		/usr/etc/trpt

   More info:  lots of man pages ;-)

+ edit syslog.conf -- uncomment auth & mail lines
   The enables improved loging of logins and su's be prepared for lots of 
  More info: syslog.conf(5)

+ chmod 640 /vmunix; chgrp kmem /vmunix ;
   Prevent crackers from finding out more about your kernel configuration.
Changes to ID management ------

+ Disable SUID passwd (if using NIS) or -F option in /bin/passwd  
   Here two options exist:
   1) you are using NIS for your user database; so you don't need
   /bin/passwd (and the two hard links to it /bin/chfn & /bin/chsh) 
   to be SUID root.
   2) You will have local entries in your /etc/passwd that you would
   like to be able to change thier own passwd. Then please note that 
   /bin/passwd has a race condition that can be exploited to write to
   files as root, allowing a cracker to gain root access.  

   In either case yppasswd (and ypchfn & ypchsh) does not need to 
   be SUID root.
   In all cases - cd /bin; chmod u-s yppasswd ypchfn ypchsh
   Option 1  - cd /bin; chmod u-s passwd chfn chsh 
   Option 2a - Replace passwd with a proactive (check for bad passwds)
              passwd program.  Ref 7. 
   Option 2b - Do a binary edit of passwd (sun's code) as shown below:
        # cd /bin
        # cp passwd passwd.old; chmod 700 passwd.old
        # adb -w - passwd
        not core file = passwd
        /l 'F:'
        0x68de        This address is required in the following step:
        0x68de/w 0
        0x68de:         0x463a  =       0x0
       # chmod 4711 /bin/passwd
       Note: The following files should all contain the same code, and
             be SUID root (unless chmod u-s was done above).  If you intend 
             to use any of these, ensure they are a link to the modified 
             file /bin/passwd: yppasswd, ypchfn, ypchsh, chfn, chsh.
  More info: Ref. 6 [8lgm]-Advisory-7.UNIX.passwd.11-May-1994.NEWFIX

+ remove ID sync:::
   This ID is created to enable the admin to sync the file system before a
   system crash.  It defaults without and password, and can be abused to 
   gain access to the system.  The simplest solution is to live without 
   this feature and remove this ID.
  More info: passwd(5)

+ Implement shadowing
   To restrict access to all users' encrypted passwords.  Even though 
   passwords are encrypted, Crack (a publicly available program) can 
   be used to effectively guess users' passwords.
   This can be done two different ways:
    1. by implementing Sun's C2 security package, which 
   provides additional auditing.  I've found that this auditing can be
   troublesome to maintain and I didn't have need for the extensive data.
    2. the second option is to implement shadowing but not C2, this
   procedure is fully explained in detail in Ref. 5.  In short:
       - ensure patch 100564 is installed, (note this also implements 
         securenets for NIS)
       - split /etc/passwd into /etc/passwd & /etc/security/passwd.adjunct
       - split /etc/group into /etc/group & /etc/security/group.adjunct
       - add required Audit users (even if not implementing auditing)
       - comment out the part of rc.local that starts audit
       - reboot.
   The existence of the file /etc/security/passwd.adjunct has several
   other effects in rc.local that improve system security; (ypbind -s 
   and rpc.mountd without -n).
  More info: Ref 5 

+ ensure all ID's have passwd
    Any ID without a password provides open access to your system,
    Root comes without a password.  
  More info: passwd(5)
Modify mail system  -----
   The sendmail program itself has been notorious for numerous bugs that
   gave crackers root access illegitimately.  This is a huge topic and 
   should be a paper or book in itself.  I claim no expertise here, and
   to my great fortune my sendmail experience is limited.  ;-)
      There are several different possible configurations and options 
   I'll outline them and point you to further References. 

  Host configuration:
  1. If you intend to send and receive mail directly on your machine.     
     Options are:
   a. Live with sendmail - install the newest version 8.6.9 (currently)
	- ensure a mail file is always in existence for all users
          Ref.10 &11.
        - "chmod u-s /bin/mail" and change sendmail to use "procmail" 
		or mail.local Ref. 17
	   Ref.where to get???
        - change sendmail default UID in to 65534   "Ou65534"
        - turn on security features of sendmail:
           "Opauthwarnings needmailhelo noexpn novrfy restrictmailq"
         Refs. 2 [Cheswick & Bellovin 94] & 9 [Costales 93]

   b. Install zmailer -- Ref 8 [URL to zmailer package]
        - zmailer does not use /bin/mail so chmod u-s /bin/mail

  2. If mail for your host is received on a different host (ie. local mail
     delivery is handled by another host).  Here your system should only
     need to support outgoing mail.  To prevent the sendmail daemon from
     being started comment out the part or /etc/rc.local that starts
     sendmail. For outgoing mail:
   a. install latest version of sendmail. 
	 - see config 1 for thing to change in sendmail config.
         - since mail delivery is being handled by main mail host
           there is no need for /bin/mail so - chmod u-s /bin/mail
   b. Install zmailer -- Ref 8 [URL to zmailer package]
        - zmailer does not use /bin/mail so chmod u-s /bin/mail
  3. No need for mail whatsoever on this machine
                                     (incoming, outgoing, or internal).
      This is certainly most secure mode because e-mail will not be able to 
      be sent from or to this machine.  This basic restriction of outside
      access will prevent abuse of that access.  
      To disable mail totally:
      - chmod u-s /usr/lib/sendmail & /usr/lib/ & /bin/mail
      - comment out the part of rc.local that starts sendmail 

Packages to enable better monitoring and security:

+ tripwire - Ref.13. 
 - Include all suid & sgid file in config. 
   - I've modified COPS script to check this with every run, awaiting
     response from Dan Farmer if he minds my releasing script.
+ tcp wrappers - Ref.4. 
+ Cops - Ref. 14  
   - Set up to run each night - be careful to check the 
     bitbucket output to ensure that it is working properly.
+ Modified portmapper, login, rshd, rlogind, pidentd from W. Venema 
  Ref. 15
+ TAMU tiger scripts - Ref. 16.

Note:  the Australian group SERT has put together a package called
MegaPatch that includes several of these packages as well as many 
of the patches to SunOS previously mentioned.  Ref. 18

[1] Dan Farmer & Wietse Venema, "Improving the security of your Site by
Breaking Into it",  1993.

[2] W. Cheswick & S. Bellovin, "Firewalls and Internet Security," Addison-
Wesley, April  94.

[3] H. Stern, "Managing NFS & NIS", O'Reilly & Associates, April 92

[4] Wietse Venema, "TCP WRAPPER: Network monitoring, access control and
booby traps," Proceedings of the Third Usenix Unix Security Symposium, 
pg 85-92. (paper - .txt.Z avail) (package)

[5] Eric Oliver, "How to shadow without C2 Auditing", June 94

[6]        [8lgm]-Advisory-7.UNIX.passwd.11-May-1994.NEWFIX

[7]  Proactive password changing programs 
      (There are several this is the only one who's URL I had available)

[8] Zmailer package - 

[9] Bryan Costales, Eric Allman & Neil Rickert,  "Sendmail,"
O'Reilly & Associates, June 93

8lgm advisories are avaiable though the 8lgm file server -
[10]        [8lgm]-Advisory-5.UNIX.mail.24-Jan-1992
[11]        [8lgm]-Advisory-5.UNIX.mail.24-Jan-1992.PATCH
[12]        [8lgm]-Advisory-6.UNIX.mail2.2-May-1994

[13] Tripwire - Gene Kim & Gene Spafford 1994

[14] Cops - Dan Farmer & Gene Spafford 1990

[15] portmapper, login, rshd, rlogind  - Wietse Venema

[16] TAMU tiger script. - Safford et al 93

[17] Local mail delivery agents:
URL:ftp ---- ????? mail.local Joerg Czeranski

[18] MegaPatch - SERT

[19] Source Routinng Patch -

Thanks to all the people in who offered their 
suggestions, and thanks to the following people for their kind review: (Casper Dik)
  baron@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Baron  K Fujimoto)
  rgoodman@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Becky Goodman)
  newsham@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Tim Newsham) (Andy Smith)

------  Other Thoughts for future development & other ---
   Didn't have enough time to do these as well as I'd like. 

+ disable routed (standard routing table)
  Prevents receiving a false routing table.
+ remove /dev/nit?

+ Customizing ruserok() - a bit beyond the basics but here's some info:
     If you have source license to 4.1.3 modify the routine 
   ruserok() to return -1  for the cases you wish to disallow.
   To disable .rhosts authentication entirely, simply have this routine
   return -1.  Look at the file /usr/lib/shlib.etc/README for how to modify, note: also make the following changes:
   in the file /usr/lib/shlib.etc/README below the line
     % mv rpc_commondata. rpc_commondata.o
     % mv xccs.multibyte. xccs.multibyte.o
   in the Makefile:
   change the lines below to read as they do here:
   and add the -ldl option at the end of both ld command lines.
  More info: ruserok(3), hosts.equiv(5)  
              source code file /lib/libc/net/rcmd.c Ref. 4, Ref. 15

and another one:

One thing I failed to mention is that if you are going to block
ports on the router you should block the following:

	Portmap 111 udp and tcp
	NFS	2049 udp (does any one know what specfic port if any NFS
			  over TCP uses).
	X11	6000-6010 
	Disable source routing on the router as well.

	More information can be garnered by reading the firewalls FAQ.
In article <2uul51$>,
Robert Montjoy <> wrote:
>Thanks for doing such a Good job... Just a few small things..
>You did not mention crack.
>You did not mention npasswd with cracklib support so users
>can not pick bad passwords.
>You not mention the better(because it does not need to run setuid)
>rdist from
>Mail deliver to /var/spool/mail even with the Sun patches may
>still be used to gain access. There just are to many race conditions.
>All mail should be delivered to either a subdirectory
>within the users home directory(preferable) or subdirectory
>owned by the user in /var/spool/mail.
>It should also be mentioned that Wietse Venema's replacement parts
>provide numerous benefits over the sun supplied version which are
>not limited to the following:
>	1) Better logging
>	2) netgroup access control support for login and friends.
>	3) S/key support for login.
>	4) portmapper access control(this is the most important).
>	5) and tcpwrapper can be used to limit access to certain services.
>Also, you might want to mention the various security archives around
>like the extensive archives at in /pub/pcert
>and the archives at , etc....
>Just one typo in the eeprom discussion when the system is in
>full eeprom security mode it prompt you for the "root" password.
>This should be the eeprom password. They do not and should
>not be the same.  I thought that even with command level
>Security a running system can be modified from the eeprom level.
>Was this ever proven or disproven.
>You might want to mention the FAQ
>and to other newsgroups as well. 
>BTW, I can provide you with a copy of mail.local from Joerg Czeranski.
>What about a HTML version? I can provide a home for it......